Inspiration, from an unlikely Place

Hello, Good morning or good evening.

As you can see by reading these words on your computer screen that I have started a blog. I’m going to tell you how just seeing one cute little picture of a boy and a whale has led me to start this blog.

only about a week and a half ago hanging with my friend and fellow “Street Banger” Christian. Christian laying down for a quick nap and nobody else at his apartment to talk to. So I did what an ordinary millennial would do pulled out his smartphone and started scrolling through Instagram. Scrolling through Skateboarding posts and people flipping outside with great control. Something caught my eye, a little doodle of a boy sitting on a whale. Looking into the description it was a post about this guys blog. (that guy being @mo_davis_) and after reading his blog, I’ve decided to blog and here I am writing my first blog. Strange how little things can just spark such a major change or something we never thought of about before.

Link to Blogpost:

For now goodbye and see you all soon.

“The beginning is always today.” —Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley


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